Maudits Sonnants #BhamWE

A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, well North London, I went to University. My first experience was the freshers fair, a hall set up where you can join societies. The room offered a wide spectrum that included the Rowing Society, the Politics Society and the Sikh Society (I joined this one at birth).

I saw three tall blokes at a table, assuming they were the Basketball Society went across to offer my six foot six frame to the team. As I approached, they gestured me across with their hands. It was then I noticed one had a black eye, one a missing tooth and the other a cauliflower ear, sort of bruised and battered and not anything you’d want your ear to resemble.

They were not the Basketball Society, they were the Rugby Society, a group of young men who in between playing Rugby and drinking, occasionally attended class. Up until this moment, I had never played Rugby and they may have mistaken my frame as someone who was capable of playing the game. It wasn’t.

What struck me was their appearance. And this was before the season had started. I made a mental calculation; if this was how they looked in early Autumn, what on earth would they resemble mid term after half a dozen matches? My feet are quicker than my brain and I had reached the table by this point. The boys were handing me a clip board to sign up. One of them mentioned my height. I can’t remember what he said, it’s difficult to talk with a bruised lip. Like a tabloid sting investigating a brothel, I made a few casual enquiries, made my excuses and left.

The Rugby World Cup 2015 is being held in the UK and the circus rolls into Birmingham today. Villa Park host two matches making Brum the only city to offer more than one game over a single weekend.

I drove past the fan zone at Millennium Point yesterday and it looks awesome. I have to confess, I don’t know anything about the game. I watched a match once with my nephews who adore Rugby. I tried to understand it but all I could see were big blokes running down a pitch with an odd shaped ball. Everything they did to each other would have been an immediate red card in football. They were respectful to the referee and there were two huge H shaped goals at either end, neither of which had a net or a goalie. It wasn’t just the ball that was odd.

Both Rugby matches are being shown on a large screen at Millennium Point, its part of Birmingham Weekender which continues today and tomorrow. I was in Centenary Square last night with my wife to see Maudits Sonnants. It was spectacular. I wanted to go after reading the description ‘An orchestra suspended 60 meters above the crowd like a human chandalier.’ You get to a certain age where you’ve been there, done it and bought the tee shirt. This is unlike anything I’d ever seen and was drawn to the event like a moth to a flare. They repeat the spectacle tonight at 7:30pm. This is highly recommended.

I photographed some of the performance last night. Enjoy the pictures.

Jas Sansi is a freelance photographer based in Greater Birmingham @jassansi 07930 837 505

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